Picture of Petra Nemcova at Listal
Check her out - killing it in white. Wear something daring..
Picture of Petra Nemcova at Listal
or try a new color or two!
Picture of Elena Santarelli at Listal
dressing up for sunset
Picture of Melissa Satta at Listal
show off those lean and trim abs you've worked so hard to keep trim!
Picture of Melissa Satta at Listal
try a new color in your hair.
Picture of Elin Grindemyr at Listal
try a new bikini - or two.
Picture of Minka Kelly at Listal
exercise your body daily and look your best at the beach or on the dance floor!
Picture of Minka Kelly at Listal
get plenty of sleep so you'll have more energy for all the Summer fun
Picture of Minka Kelly at Listal
less is more when it comes to Summer fashion choices.
Picture of Melissa Satta at Listal
Don't leave home without your Ray-Bans!